
NumPy is a useful package that can help store and wrangle homogeneous data. “Homogenous” means that all data points within the data are of the same data type.

We strongly recommend working through the NumPy Quickstart Tutorial or the NumPy beginners tutorial for a more comprehensive introduction to NumPy. Here, we’ll introduce some useful tools using the NumPy package to analyze large datasets.

Before we can use NumPy, we need to import the package. We can also nickname the modules when we import them. The convention is to import numpy as np.

# Import packages
import numpy as np

# Use whos to see available modules
Variable   Type      Data/Info
np         module    <module 'numpy' from '/Us<...>kages/numpy/'>

NumPy Arrays#

The basis of the NumPy package is the array. A NumPy array is similar to a list of lists or a grid of values. You can create a NumPy array from a list using np.array(), by reading in a file, or through functions built into the NumPy package such as such as arange, linspace, empty, etc.

# Create a list 
list_1 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

# Store list as a numpy array 
array1 = np.array(list_1)
[ 2  4  6  8 10 12]

What we have created is a one-dimensional array which is similar to a normal list. NumPy arrays however, can be multidimensional. If we input a list of lists into np.array(), the output would be a multidimensional array (i.e a grid/matrix).

# Create a 2nd list 
list_2 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

# Store list of lists as a NumPy array 
my_array = np.array([list_1, list_2])
[[ 2  4  6  8 10 12]
 [ 1  3  5  7  9 11]]

Accessing attributes of NumPy arrays#

We can return the shape and size of an array by using the attributes size and shape. The shape attribute returns a tuple for the number of rows and columns of an array. The size attribute returns the total number of values stored within an array.

print('My array has a shape of:')

print('\nMy array has a size of:')
My array has a shape of:
(2, 6)

My array has a size of:

Other attributes that might be of interest are ndim and dtype which respectively return the number of dimensions of the array and the data types stored in the array. You can see the full list of ndarray attributes in the NumPy ndarray documentation.

print('My array dimensions:')

print('\nMy array contains values of data type:')
My array dimensions:

My array contains values of data type:

Indexing & Slicing Arrays#

You can index NumPy arrays using array_name[row,column] to select a single value. If you omit the column, it will give you the entire row. You can also use : in place of either row or column to indicate you want to return all those values. We will demonstrate by indexing my_array.

# Select the number 6 from our array 
print('The value stored in row 1, column 3 is:')

# Select the 2nd row from our array 
print('The values stored in row 2 are:')
The value stored in row 1, column 3 is:
The values stored in row 2 are:
[ 1  3  5  7  9 11]

You may want to look at a slice of columns or a slice of rows. You can slice your array like the following: array(start_row:stop_row, start_col:end_col).

# Print the first 3 columns of each row 
print(my_array[: ,0:3])
[[2 4 6]
 [1 3 5]]

You can also select multiple, nonsequential columns by inputing a list as your columns. Lets try to index the first, third, and last column in array1.

# Choose your columns of interest 
columns = [0, 2, -1]
print(my_array[:, columns])
[[ 2  6 12]
 [ 1  5 11]]

We can also change values in an array similar to how we would change values in a list. The syntax we use is array[row,column] = new_desired_value.

# Change the entire first row of array1 to 100
my_array[0,:] = 100
[[100 100 100 100 100 100]
 [  1   3   5   7   9  11]]

For further explanation of how to index NumPy arrays, please visit the NumPy indexing documentation.


We can also subet our original array to only include data that meets our criteria. We can think of this as subsetting the array by applying a condition to our array. The syntax for this would be new_array = original_array[condition].

# Reassign our original array 
my_array = np.array([list_1, list_2])

# Return only values greater than 5 from our array 
condition = (my_array > 5)
filtered_array = my_array[condition]
[ 6  8 10 12  7  9 11]

Benefits of Using Arrays#

If you were trying to add the numbers of the two lists together, simply adding the lists would only append one list at the end of the other. However, if you add two NumPy arrays together, the values of both arrays will be summed.

# Add two lists together 
list_3 = [10, 20, 30, 40]
list_4 = [20, 40, 60, 80]
print(list_3 + list_4)

# Add two arrays together 
array_1 = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40])
array_2 = np.array([20, 40, 60, 80])
print(array_1 + array_2)
[10, 20, 30, 40, 20, 40, 60, 80]

[ 30  60  90 120]

Alternatively, you can use the sum() method to add all values in an array together. You can also specify whether you want to sum the values across rows or columns in a grid/matrix. If you specify you want to sum values in rows or columns, the output will be an array of the sums.

# Create a 2 by 3 array 
array_3 = np.array([[5, 10], [15, 20], [25, 30]])
print('Original array:\n', array_3)

# Sum all values in array 
print('\nArray sum: ', array_3.sum())

# Sum the values across columns
print('\nColumn sums: ', array_3.sum(axis = 0))

# Sum the values across rows
print('\nRow sums: ', array_3.sum(axis = 1))
Original array:
 [[ 5 10]
 [15 20]
 [25 30]]

Array sum:  105

Column sums:  [45 60]

Row sums:  [15 35 55]

For a full list of array methods, please visit the NumPy array methods documentation. You can also visit the NumPy Reference for more information on functions, modules, and objects in NumPy.

NumPy also includes some very useful array generating functions:#

  • arange: like range but gives you a useful NumPy array, instead of an interator, and can use more than just integers)

  • linspace creates an array with given start and end points, and a desired number of points

  • logspace same as linspace, but in log.

  • random can create a random list (there are many different ways to use this)

  • concatenate which can concatenate two arrays along an existing axis [documentation]

  • hstack and vstack which can horizontally or vertically stack arrays

  • save and load can allow you to store and load your arrays

Whenever we call these, we need to use whatever name we imported numpy as (here, np). We will demonstrate some of these functions below. For a full list of funtions used to create arrays, please visit the NumPy array creation documentaion.

# When using linspace, both end points are included
[  0.          16.33333333  32.66666667  49.          65.33333333
  81.66666667  98.         114.33333333 130.66666667 147.        ]
# First array is  a list of 10 numbers that are evenly spaced, 
# and range from exactly 1 to 100
lin_array = np.linspace(1,100, 10)

# Second row is a list of 10 numbers that begin 
# at 0 and are exactly 10 apart
range_array = np.arange(0,100,10)

print('Linspace array: ', lin_array)
print('Range array: ', range_array)
Linspace array:  [  1.  12.  23.  34.  45.  56.  67.  78.  89. 100.]
Range array:  [ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90]
# Create an array that has two rows using np.vstack
# First row should be 'first_array'
# Second row should be 'second_array'
big_array = np.vstack([lin_array, range_array])
[[  1.  12.  23.  34.  45.  56.  67.  78.  89. 100.]
 [  0.  10.  20.  30.  40.  50.  60.  70.  80.  90.]]

NumPy also has built in methods to save and load arrays: and np.load(). Numpy files have a .npy extension. See full documentation here.

# Save method takes arguments 'filename' and then 'array':'big_array',big_array)
my_new_matrix = np.load('big_array.npy')
[[  1.  12.  23.  34.  45.  56.  67.  78.  89. 100.]
 [  0.  10.  20.  30.  40.  50.  60.  70.  80.  90.]]

Additional Resources#

See the Python Data Science Handbook for a more in depth exploration of NumPy, and of course, the original documentation.