Analyzing Computed Features#

In addition to the raw electrophysiology and morphology data, the Allen Institute also has computed many electrophysiological features about the cells in their data. These features describe the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of the cell. Here, we will demonstrate how to access and analyze these features both across and within cells.

#Import all the necessary packages and initalize an instance of the cache
import pandas as pd
from allensdk.core.cell_types_cache import CellTypesCache
from allensdk.api.queries.cell_types_api import CellTypesApi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ctc = CellTypesCache(manifest_file='cell_types/manifest.json')

print('Packages successfully downloaded.')
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 3
      1 #Import all the necessary packages and initalize an instance of the cache
      2 import pandas as pd
----> 3 from allensdk.core.cell_types_cache import CellTypesCache
      4 from allensdk.api.queries.cell_types_api import CellTypesApi
      5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'allensdk'

Below we’ll create pandas dataframes for the electrophysiology data as well as metadata for all of the mouse cells in this dataset. Like the previous notebook, we’ll join these dataframes and set the row indices to be the id column. Unlike the previous notebook, here we’ll specify within get_cells() that we’d only like to use mouse cells. You can change the argument to species = [CellTypesApi.HUMAN] if you’d like to see human cells instead.

mouse_df = pd.DataFrame(ctc.get_cells(species = [CellTypesApi.MOUSE])).set_index('id')
ephys_df = pd.DataFrame(ctc.get_ephys_features()).set_index('specimen_id')
mouse_ephys_df = mouse_df.join(ephys_df)
reporter_status cell_soma_location species name structure_layer_name structure_area_id structure_area_abbrev transgenic_line dendrite_type apical ... trough_t_ramp trough_t_short_square trough_v_long_square trough_v_ramp trough_v_short_square upstroke_downstroke_ratio_long_square upstroke_downstroke_ratio_ramp upstroke_downstroke_ratio_short_square vm_for_sag vrest
565871768 positive [8966.56330957526, 1429.52689052075, 8567.3896... Mus musculus Oxtr-2A-Cre;Ai14-293837.03.01.02 5 385 VISp Oxtr-T2A-Cre aspiny NA ... 14.738000 1.391268 -59.281254 -57.468754 -75.756252 1.564027 1.304349 1.679550 -87.906258 -74.926987
469801138 positive [7872.53138541818, 993.212032389272, 3127.1530... Mus musculus Pvalb-IRES-Cre;Ai14-170927.05.02.01 4 385 VISp Pvalb-IRES-Cre aspiny NA ... 11.763808 1.290815 -55.875000 -52.515627 -69.109379 1.162618 1.197155 1.369171 -80.156250 -72.042976
605889373 positive [9400.0, 1520.74232706376, 2188.13845194139] Mus musculus Vipr2-IRES2-Cre;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO;Ai65-337419.0... 2/3 385 VISp Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO|Vipr2-IRES2-Cre aspiny NA ... 8.432940 1.315510 -48.187500 -54.364586 -72.640628 3.379321 4.108774 2.680139 -83.593758 -72.712036
485909730 positive [8881.0, 953.839501299405, 7768.22695782726] Mus musculus Cux2-CreERT2;Ai14-205530.03.02.01 5 385 VISp Cux2-CreERT2 spiny intact ... 2.888133 1.520193 -54.031254 -57.385419 -77.750005 3.042933 3.517684 3.274181 -101.000000 -76.928391
323865917 positive [8125.0, 904.841803028986, 7819.69986630448] Mus musculus Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre;Ai14-172530.06.01.01 5 385 VISp Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre spiny intact ... 3.467847 1.317042 -57.281254 -56.895833 -70.218751 2.974194 3.156117 2.946463 -88.406250 -69.402855

5 rows × 70 columns

As you can see if you scroll to the right in the dataframe above, there are many pre-computed features available in this dataset. Here’s a glossary, in case you’re curious.

Image from the Allen Institute Cell Types Database Technical Whitepaper.

Compare Features Across Cells#

The Allen has many precomputed features that you might consider comparing across cells. Some of these features include input resistance (‘input_resistance_mohm’), Adaptation ratio (‘adaptation’), Average interspike interval (‘avg_isi’), and many others. We’ve compiled a complete glossary for you.

To compare cell types, we can subset our electrophysiology dataframe for a specific transgenic line, structure layer, brain area, and more. Below, we’ll create two dataframes to compare cells with spiny dendrites to those with aspiny dendrites. While most excitatory cells are spiny, most inhibitory cells are aspiny.

# Define your cell type variables below
cell_type1 = 'spiny'
cell_type2 = 'aspiny'

# Create our dataframes from our cell types
mouse_spiny_df = mouse_ephys_df[mouse_ephys_df['dendrite_type'] == cell_type1]
mouse_aspiny_df = mouse_ephys_df[mouse_ephys_df['dendrite_type'] == cell_type2]

Now that we have two cell types we would like to compare, we can now use the precomputed features to plot some our cells’ characteristics. Let’s start by using a boxplot to compare the input resistance between our two cell types.

# Select our pre computed feature that we would like to compare 
feature = 'input_resistance_mohm'

# Get the pandas series for our feature from each dataframe. Drop any NaN values.
clean_spiny = mouse_spiny_df[feature].dropna()
clean_aspiny = mouse_aspiny_df[feature].dropna()

# Plot our figure and provide labels
plt.boxplot([clean_spiny, clean_aspiny])
plt.ylabel('Input Resistance (MOhm)')
plt.xticks([1,2], [cell_type1, cell_type2])
plt.title(feature + ' in ' + cell_type1 + ' and ' + cell_type2 + ' cells')

# Show our plot

Compare Features Within Cells#

The power in this dataset is not only the ability to compare two cell types, but to look across all of the data for trends that emerge. Even if we dig into the weeds of the action potential shape, we can make some interesting observations.

Let’s look at the speed of the trough, and the ratio between the upstroke and downstroke of the action potential:

  • Action potential fast trough (fast_trough_v_long_square): Minimum value of the membrane potential in the interval lasting 5 ms after the peak.

  • Upstroke/downstroke ratio (upstroke_downstroke_ratio_long_square): The ratio between the absolute values of the action potential peak upstroke and the action potential peak downstroke.